10 Movies that Make You Think

This is my no means a definitive list of the Top 10 Most Philosophical Movies of All-Time (such a task would be impossibly subjective). It is, on the other hand, a list of excellent movies that will make you think much more than the ‘ordinarily’ run-of-the-mill Hollywood garbage. So please, queue these in your Netflix, or run to your local video store, because these films are excellent mind candy for the starving intellectual within us all.

10) Gummo (1997):

gummo131From the director of ‘Kid’s’ comes Gummo, a movie with a very similar laissez-faire/hands-off style of film making. This movie could easily be dubbed as a faux-documentary as it is shot in such a way that makes it appear as if an amateur film maker is wandering around with a high-end camera. The setting for the movie is in a small, poverty stricken and tornado torn Ohio town. The populous consists largely of ignorant white-trash types as they gallivant about the town partaking in mischief and debauchery. The movie itself is beautiful in an odd, cat-killing, baby shaking kind-of-way. A must see for anyone who enjoys bittersweet, impartial, existential flicks. There are many people who hate this film; I just don’t think they get it.

9) My Dinner with Andre (1981):

my_dinner_with_andre_xl_01--film-AThis simple yet strange movie takes place within a single scene. The premise: Two old acquaintances meet for dinner in a high class NYC restaurant. The characters: Wallace – a chubby, balding, yet practical man and Andre, an eccentric, world-traveling theater director. The end result is an entertaining romp through many topics over the course of a single meal where pragmatism ultimately squares off against romanticism.

8) Network (1976):


This groundbreaking and timeless classic denotes the media’s blood-thirsty approach towards achieving higher ratings at all costs. Enter Howard Beale, a washed up news anchor who is on the brink of insanity following his wife’s death. Howard’s on air promise to blow his brains out on next weeks show brings the station some of its highest ratings ever. The channel decides to keep him on, further exploiting his psychotic rage as his condition worsens by the week. If you’re mad as hell and you’re not going to take it anymore, then this movie is for you!

7) Requiem for a Dream (2000):


In a sense all movies are existential, as they all provide some lens into someone else’s world…but some movies just do it a lot better than others and Requiem for a Dream is one of those films. This mesmerizing jaunt through drug addiction examines both the innocence and ignorance in the lives of the characters. Then, all at once, their lives violently spiral out of control. The moviegoer can only stare in horror – popcorn still in hand, as an eerie game show shines its gloomy glow of death over a pill popping granny and a haunting melody casts its eternal shadow over the dreams of the youth. The film takes a nondiscriminatory look at drug addiction in a way that makes those with a heart empathize with the unfortunate junkie.

6) A Clockwork Orange (1971):


One of Kubrick’s finest films, A Clockwork Orange is a surreal yet visionary flick about a gang of hooligans that are always up for a bit of the good old ultra-violence. The movie finds a unique balance between being reprehensibly dark and laugh-out-loud satirical. Ultimately the film explores crime and punishment and the resulting implications on society as well as the individual’s psyche. Milk bar anyone?

5) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004):


Six years ago I never would have thought that a Jim Carey flick would make it onto a list of thought provoking movies, but atlas here we are – much to the chagrin of Ace Ventura fans everywhere. Superficially, Eternal Sunshine is a love story set to the back drop of a quirky sci-fi sub-plot. While the movie portrays all of the onscreen action in a poetically beautiful way, many people miss what I feel is the true purpose of the film. The film explores with brutal honesty, the frailty of human rationality when pitted against real, raw, and often times illogical and quixotic love. The audience is indirectly pitted against the following question: If you were to know before hand that your love for someone was going to fail, would you pursue it anyway? Eternal Sunshine answers this question with no punches pulled as hopeless romantics around the world eat it up, hook-line-and-sinker.

4) Fight Club (1999):


I have sort of a love-hate relationship with Chuck Palahniuk, the writer of the book “Fight Club”, which eventually turned into this epic film, but that’s beside the point. The film has developed sort of a cult following, and I must say that it’s one of my favorite movies of all-time. Looking past the blood-spattered basement brawls and Bob’s bitch tits, Fight Club is essentially a bad trip through our nihilistic hell. It’s deep, it’s entertaining, and Pahlniuks snappy one-liners will literally linger in your brain for years to come. This is the kind of movie that provokes both substantive thought and gripping emotion. If you’re not just a little pissed off at the system by the end of this movie… well, fuck you too!

3) Waking Life (2001):


Enough good things cannot be said about this film. Visually Waking Life resembles a Saturday morning cartoon…on acid. This isn’t a movie in the traditional sense; it’s more or less a series of odd philosophical conversations that our narrator gets thrust into, almost unwillingly. I like to think of this flick as a 90 minute romp/crash course through modern day philosophy. The flow of the film is brilliant, and the talking points are spot on. This film is highly recommended for those looking to get their feet wet in philosophy but don’t know what ideas to begin with.

2) American Beauty (1999):


Behind the facade of freshly cut lawns and clean white houses American Beauty shows the true colors of the suburbanites’ struggle – that is, finding meaning and purpose in a world that can be so ugly and hollow, yet dazzling and compelling all in the same breathe. This film, like an onion, has many layers. With each view one can gain increasingly more insight into the complexity of this brilliant narrative concerning modern life. American Beauty will always remain one of my favorite movies.

And now, the #1 most thought provoking film (drum roll, please)…

1) 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968):


This movie tops my list as the #1 must see film for intellectuals everywhere. This is a Kubrick film so expect a lot of artistic camera angles, extremely long shots, and extended pauses without dialog. Those expecting a cookie-cutter film with a traditional beginning, middle, and end will be greatly disappointed. This film is more-or-less an EXPERIENCE. It’s probably best watched alone, in a dark room where you can fully take it all in. You’ll have to derive your own interpretation of the films’ meaning which, in the end, is a journey in itself.

Po is a contributing writer and the founder of projectgroupthink.wordpress.com. Get instant updates for this blog via Twitter: PGTblog.


Filed under Entertainment, philosophy

83 responses to “10 Movies that Make You Think

  1. theoates

    Haven’t seen most of these movies, sorry to say, but Fight Club is easily on my top five of all time for the reasons you mentioned above among others! Good article!

  2. viktoryian

    I watched 3 from this list! Those were great! Now I have to check up the other ones as well!
    Good list! Cool article!

  3. KevinKMJr

    The only movies in here that I have seen are Fight Club & Clockwork Orange. I may have been too young to appreciate Clockwork Orange, but damn I loved Fight Club! I like my movies to be entertaining as opposed to something that makes me think. Give me Fantasy and/or Sci-Fi flicks and I’ll find my intellectual stimulants elsewhere.

  4. merkaba33

    I’ve seen 6 of the 10.

    Nice picks. I’ll have to check out the other 4.

  5. davidrsheehan

    Kudos, Po, on the post and finding some good ones. I’ve seen 6/10, I believe.

    Couple things I’ll bring up:

    Obviously, this list is your opionion and I’m not going to assail that. I will, however, bring up the fact that there are SO many good, thought-provoking flicks out there that I wonder if it’s a disservice to cite two from the same director on here. Yeah, I know film-people get hard-ons over Kubrick. And while I enjoy his stuff, I don’t think he’s the end-all, be-all of film.

    Anyhow, back to your list. 9 and 8 (Gummo and Dinner) seem like flicks I should check out. I really don’t have much interest in 2001. I’ve read about it in studying film. I’ve heard people talk about. It’s always brought up. I just don’t have much interest in the idea of sitting there for nigh 3 hours with only 15 minutes of dialogue cut in at points. Not that I can’t appreciate experiences (Babel, for example, is a great film for the exploration of sound in a film and doesn’t have all that much dialogue), but just because, I think at this point, of spite. Everyone loves it, so I’ll probably set it in my mind to find quibbles with it. That said, eventually I’ll borrow it from someone and just watch the damn thing, I’m sure.

    Other thoughts:
    American Beauty – like it. Don’t love it. I know all the reasons it is considered great, but I just don’t rank it at the very top. Spacey does just an amazing job (military dad too), and the kids are convincing, but the end result just doesn’t make me want to rewatch it and think it through again. So, for thought-provoking, I’m not sure it’d make my list.

    Requiem for a Dream is wonderful. I think you summed it up well, and barring the really depressed or children, I’d recommend the flick to most anyone. It definitely got me think.

    Ditto for Waking Life. Discovered it in high school and really enjoyed it then… haven’t seen it in a while.

    I was really happy to see Eternal Sunshine on here. What a great film. Ace Ventura is amazing (and terrible) in its own rights (another discussion), but Carrey and Winslet just carry E.S. so well – it’s in the top 20 of all films for me.

    Fight Club and Clockwork are both great – people should see them. Period.

    Some others I think could be in serious consideration for a list of thought-provoking films (if I were to draw one up):

    Sixth Sense – the movie at this point is a pop culture centerpiece (so many things refer to it). But let’s not forget that it was a moderately recent film and one of the few seen widely that showed people how film can manipulate the viewer even as it engages them. M. Night is still riding off the laurels of this flick, despite some questionable follow ups.

    Big Fish – seemingly light and gentle (at its surface-level worst it’s a little Tim Burton-scary), every time I watch this film, I’m impressed by the depth of what’s going on. This isn’t just a film about prsonal discovery or familial relationships. It’s about life and how to approach it. It’s heart-warming without being sappy. It’s romantic without being gushy. It’s engaging without being annoyingly obvious. It’s just a good, fun, thought-provoking film. Not everyone agrees with me on this – to them I say, watch it again and then let’s talk.

    Hero – Some might accuse me of stretching here… but hear me out. Sure it’s fighting-heavy. Sure it’s not in English. But the ideas discussed, coupled with the cinematography and exploration of color alone make this film worth checking out. What makes a hero? Who’s the good guy or bad guy? Where does the individual fit in the mechanism of history? All things to look for in this “kung-fu” movie.

    American History X – gritty and disturbing, but a true, cold, hard look at a tough topic. Great acting and casting, interestingly shot… all around it keeps me coming back to see and think about it over and over.

    The Matrix – I’m surprised this one didn’t make it. Sure, it changed how sci-fi was viewed in the modern film scene. Sure, it altered how action sequences we shoot and conceived. Sure, Reeves blows at acting. But none of that changes the fact that the film makes you think. What is real? How important is choice? All tackled, despite Keanu’s limitations.

    Just a couple there. Without access to my film collection, I’m just going by what comes to mind quickly. I’m sure I’m forgetting some important ones. But then, this isn’t my post. Just my comments.

  6. Soahki

    I love quite a few of the movies on your list. I never got into 2001… though I think one has to be in the right mood for it. I think that Gummo sounds really interesting, and should be worth checking out. For some reason, it made me think of Tideland, maybe just because the picture beside your description conveyed that same sort of feeling- a lonely surreal sort of childhood. To me, Tideland is about resilience, and also a sort of interplay between innocence and depravity. I think you hated Tideland, however.

  7. I have seen a majority of these, and I agree that they are enjoyable and thought-provoking. I would like to submit some recommendations for you now :)

    Wristcutters: A Love Story (2006) This is actually quite uplifting in my opinion.

    The films of Alejandro Jodorowsky … The Holy Mountain (1973) and El Topo (1970) specifcially

    THX1138 (1971)

    King Kong (2006) Seriously, if watched from a different frame of mind than just being entertained by an action movie, it is a very interesting commentary on group work and perceived reality.

    Thank You For Smoking (2005)

    This Film is Not Yet Rated (2006) social commentary, documentary

  8. Po

    Nice! I’ll have to check out those movies (probably not King Kong though) : )

  9. mr z.

    you are missing the whole world of non-english movie achievements and focus way too much on recent production. out of those listed, barely 2 or 3 are really provoking and/or novel

  10. Maul

    Gummo!? Seriously? Blow me. Fuck you and the rest of your article, first thing I read was Gummo. Fuck that shit. I haven’t seen a worse movie in my life than that rotten piece of horse shit. This is one of those movies that pretentious fucks like you say ‘you didn’t get it?’ well guess what, you didn’t get it, nobody got it, cause there was nothing to get. It was bullshit, it was weird for the sake of weird. People only say they like it because they didn’t want to seem stupid in the presence of a bunch of bullshit intellectuals. It was the equivalent of me painting random strokes on a canvas except instead of paint I’m using diarrhea, then when someone criticizes it I say ‘you just don’t get it’.

    Its not that I need shit spelled out for me. I just need a fucking plot.

    Then I went down your list again and saw FUCKING WAKING LIFE!? UGH, are you trying to piss me off now. They prescribe that shit as a sleep aid. In fact if you took a sleep aid, and watched Waking Life you would end up in a fucking coma.

    • CrazyIT

      I don’t want to be as vulgar as the last guy but i totally have to agree. I LOVE 7 out of ten of these movies, and i have actually seen all ten!

      However! Gummo is HORRIBLE! Please do not watch this movie if you retain imagery easily. In fact, please do not watch this movie. Requiem for a Dream, and Clockwork Orange have a way of making heavily emotional people feel dirty afterwords, like it did myself. But i Truly enjoyed the movies and LOVE talking and thinking about them.

      NOT GUMMO! I was tricked into watching this after having a similar discussion about these sorts of movies with a friend. It takes The most horrible and traumatic children story’s and pulls them together into one horrific mass of Brain melting despair. I’m sorry, I do believe that despair set in a correct cinematic backdrop can be thought provoking. GUMMO is not it!

      Gummo is to emotional despair, As SAW is to Gore.

      GUMMO = Traumatic and pointless emotional agony

      in summary watch all these movies but

    • Gomba

      Gummo is a movie that you either love or hate, a well known fact. I watched it a couple of years ago by myself and absoluteley loved it, and watch it 2-3 times a year, and i’ve only told 1 other person i know about the movie, so claiming people only say they like it cause they’re afraid to appear stupid in front of intellectuals is quite condescending and I think wrong.

      The fact is you DID ‘not get it’, and most people don’t because they have expectations on what a movie is, and Gummo doesn’t fit in with that.

      I recommend everyone watch Gummo and make up their own mind, if you don’t like it fine.

      • Dustin Anderson

        What the hell kind of thing to say is that? Insulting the entire fanbase of a movie that you personally found objectionable? Gummo (which was directed by Harmony Korine, not KIDS’ Larry Clark), has a great deal to say, and was not, in fact, just “weird for the sake of being weird”. Xenia, Ohio is a real place that was severely damaged, structurally and socially, by the massive tornado they discuss in the film’s opening. Half of the footage USED in the final film was actual documentary footage of the towns residents. Like KIDS, Gummo was created to shine a light on an oft overlooked segment of the American populace, and the ridiculous level of poverty that actually exists in this country.
        And then you pick on Waking Life for boring you to death. The fact that you see film as strictly a story-telling, and not an art,medium show’s that you actually DON’T “get it”, as it were, for plot cohesion and structured narrative weren’t the intention of either film. Both of which were incredibly effective at evoking the emotions they were going after.

  11. Requiem for a Dream is waaay overrated.

  12. Kyle

    Overall, very nice list. You could probably add any Kubrick movie to this list without batting an eye considering how well made they were, but Clockwork and 2001 were, clearly, his most impressive works. Full Metal Jacket would probably be next on this list.

    I do have one complaint: American Beauty. Hated that movie… Just hated it.

    Some other movies I would have included just off the top of my head: Rivers Edge, Syriana, Rashomon.

  13. Pingback: links for 2009-12-10 | James A. Arconati

  14. Gomba

    Seen all the movies except ‘My Dinner with Andre’, so will probably check that one out soon.

    I think it’s a good list, probably wouldn’t arrange them the same though.. and several of them I wouldn’t even call thought provoking. Waking Life I agree is a crash course in philosophy, and probably why I didn’t find it thought provoking as it goes over a wide range of topics and never goes past the surface.

    Some recommendations:
    Koyaanisqatsi – the world we live in and our impact upon it. Beautiful scenes and music and nothing else, no characters or dialog. Directed by Francis Ford Coppola

    The United States of Leland – Don’t really know what to say about it, beautiful film.. watch it.. :)

  15. Dan

    Gummo was not directed by the director of Kids (Larry Clark), but by the writer (Harmony Korine).

  16. boggywoggy

    “I am Legend” made me think. Yep….it sure did…

  17. John

    I’m glad that you included My Dinner With André. Although absolutely nothing happens beyond the waiter refilling their water glasses, it’s far more entertaining and engrossing than most action films. Well, at least the ones with Ben Affleck in them.

  18. Noodles

    Memento should be on there.

  19. jeff m

    I stumble alot at work and come across these top movie lists often, but well done on this one. I’ve seen all of these movies and feel that if you haven’t seen all of them you need too. Film school really helps I guess, meaning I watch 5 out of the 10 for class, but believe me when i say they are all very good films. As for the poor soul who hated Gumo so much, if a movie can make you feel this upset/ uncomfortable that means it belongs even more on this list.

  20. gus

    I have seen 4 of these, and have them on DVD, except network.

  21. Alan

    Watch “There Will Be Blood” I can’t even begin to go into how philosophical it is.

  22. Alex

    Hi, liked your reviews, the one thing i find is you’re not totally accurate with Gummo, because you say Harmony Korine is the director of Kids, but he is not, he only wrote the script, Larry Clark is the director of Kids. Other than that i love Gummo and Harmony Korine’s work.

  23. Crystal

    Donnie Darko I think should be on this list, and if you haven’t watched it, you should. It’s one of my faves. However S. Darko…. not so much.

  24. JH

    The United States of Leland is a MUST SEE and should be at least an honorable mention on this list haha

  25. gaijinass

    Harmony Korine: Is.a.jackass.

    That having been said…

    A couple of the films on your list are decent but for the wrong reasons it seems.
    A few that I think are fairly thought provoking.

    – Irreversible by Gasper Noe.
    – L.I.E. with Brian Cox by Micheal Cuesta
    – The Following by Chris Nolan
    – BrokeBack Mountain by Ang Lee

    Just a few.

  26. Eddie

    I’ve seen 7 out of 10.
    It’s a good article but still weak.

    Kubrick’s movies are definetely thought provoking.

    Requiem for a dream is awesome (I love Aronofsky), the love story is good, the way drugs are portraited is remarkable; it is thought provoking, but not as much as it could have been at the end great part of the message is: Drugs are bad.

    Fight club? Damn! It is a very good movie…but thought provoking? The double personality issue is not very revolutionary as everyone thinks. (12 monkeys is better if you wanted to include a pitt’s film).

    I am not fure about Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.
    And I am lookin’ forward to Gummo and Waking life.

  27. Shmuckle

    Idiocracy should of been on this list!

    This is an american list and I feel pretty accurate ive seen all the movies on it. But it doesnt compare to any European films like Kieslowski, Tarkovsky, or Godard.

    If i were to suggest a couple other thought provoking american films I would choose either a film from Terence Malick or Gus Van Sant

  28. norm

    An acceptable enough list except…American Beauty? Yipes.

  29. Lamce

    um Donnie Darko?!?

  30. jdaddy

    Eraserhead anyone?? Really made me think. and more recently, Antichrist. it’s extremely vulgar and disturbing, but also very moving. i can’t even explain the feelings i was having after watching this

  31. mike

    check out films by david lynch like mulholland drive! that shit is a thinker and just crazy!

  32. A clockwork orange is on my alltimefavorite list

  33. Saul

    What about Beautiful Mind? I reckon that deserves a place! Good list though.

  34. Larry Clark directed Kids. Gummo was written and directed by Harmony Korine who co-wrote Kids

  35. fantastic movies. Have you watched Avatar yet by chance? Movie made me a little light headed but wow, what a great movie.

  36. Adam

    Phenomenon is all i have to say

  37. rebecca

    I’ve seen 6 of 10!
    Waking life is definitely my favorite. Linklater is a brilliant mind

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  39. Kara

    I just wanted to say that I’m glad I stumbled upon this blog. I now have a list of 41 movies I need to check out just from all the comments. I will be sure to come back to check up on it for some now posts. I’m excited to broaden my movie horizons. =)

  40. I´ve seen 5 of 10 and all of them are good.

  41. Greta

    I think Donnie Darko needs to be up here as well.

  42. Lucy

    OMG for the fuck of shit learn how to pluralize things and learn how to research movie titles.

    “From the director of ‘Kid’s’ comes Gummo…”

    The film is called Kids. As in, “more than one kid,” not “belonging to the kid,” which is what you wrote. Fail.

  43. tma-2

    2001 is my ‘story of creation’
    Arthur C. was the Greatest ever.

  44. Sarah

    “but atlas here we are – much to the chagrin of Ace Ventura fans…”

    Atlas? Really?

  45. Robin

    I have seen six of the films you have mentioned. I would just like to say that i am glad that 2001 A Space Odyssey came in first, never has a movie made me think more. Time after time when i see that movie i am left with a utter feeling of satisfaction.

  46. belal

    +weekend – godard (france)
    +naked – mike leigh (england-1993)
    +modern time (charlie chaplien)
    +verdania (luis bunel)
    +and that’s it – very good choice by the way.


  47. Alex Mobii

    I haven’t seen most of the older films but I would easily take Fight Club out and replace it with Memento.

  48. Gregg

    I was surprised to see that Memento and Donnie Darko didn’t make your list I found them both to be mind thrilling.

  49. Pingback: Movies That Make You Think « KAC Memoir

  50. Josh

    Nice list, I love Gummo…but I’d suggest a rethink about the position of American Beauty. The essential (american) message of the film is to indulge yourself and be selfish. If life is boring just do whatever you want and screw how it influences those around you…thats a message and philosophy that has brought North America to the edge of the end. Check out a detailed critique of this movie in a great book titled ‘The Rebel Sell’.

  51. Harry Lime

    I would add memento.

  52. Gummo fucker

    Gummo provoked a lot of thought for me. I cant stop thinking about chloe’s young breasts in that film. That and the cat being beat with switches. It reminded of my childhood in Wv.

  53. Joe

    I wish Donnie Darko and Seven Pounds were on here. Will Smith is amazing in Seven Pounds, I can’t even convey the message that it sends to me. Donnie Darko is plain awesome, and really really makes you think and wonder.

  54. ikeano29

    Pusher (1-3)
    Dead Mans Shoes
    Acid House

  55. Breanna R

    Great list, I agree with most, if not all of these choices. I was surprised to see My Dinner with Andre on here, it’s a film not many people know about except for film buffs. Initially I didn’t enjoy it very much after watching it, but the more I thought about it I appreciated it more and more because of it’s suttle depth and philosophy. American Beauty happens to be one of my favorite movies as well, every process in making that movie–the acting, cinematography, script, direction–flowed together to create a real beauty of a film.
    I haven’t seen Gummo or Waking Life, however, I have heard of Gummo and I’ve heard it’s intensely disturbing so I’ve been eager to see it because I am a fan of the unsettling. I saw Requiem for a Dream when I was nine years old with my mother (what the hell was she thinking?) and it disturbed me deeply, yet at a young age I related to the sorrow of it.
    My favorite film of all time happens to be Mulholland Drive by David Lynch. I found it to be the most thought provoking movie I had ever seen. It is one of those films you have to watch twice to understand what exactly happened, and a third time to understand what the film was trying to say to the viewer as an overall theme. Most, if not all Lynch films are heavily philosophical. If you have the gut and patience for it, you should definitely check out Lynch’s first film Eraserhead, a great film for anyone into the avant garde and thought provoking. Lynch has said in many interviews that he wants his viewers to find their own interpretations of his films, as there are many cerebral layers to his films.

  56. Henry

    I’ve seen all these movies except Dinner with Andre and Waking Life.
    A few other movies to consider watching if you want to be stuck thinking or confused at the end are:

    Vanilla Sky, Momento, Synecdoche New York, Being John Malkovich, Beautiful Mind and Donnie Darko.

    Just finished watching Gummo tonight and although I wasnt a fan of the movie, I was stuck thinking the whole time wondering whats going to happen next.

    Another great movie to watch is Funny Games, I’m not sure if its very mainstream but I thought the movie was very interestingly done.

  57. Huh

    No Lost In Translation?

  58. sethu

    and y is EXAM not in the list !! Exam seems to be more thought provoking !! am sure 100% of yu ll not be able to answer the EXAM ., if anyone did jus lemme knw!!

  59. jmount43

    Larry Clark directed Kids. Harmony Corine directed Gummo.

  60. Dilan

    What about Unthinkable, Donnie Darko, Inception, Primer, The Shining, and Eraserhead

  61. Hoshea Felix

    The movie “The Prestige” which was directed by Christopher Nolan should be included in this list ^^ Anyone seen that movie?

  62. Vittoria

    There are others like Mr.Nobody. also, if anyone is interested in Plays that make you think, try Endgame and Waiting for gatdo

  63. Personally, i think the Truman Show is discussion-worthy. Also discussion-worthy are the Christopher Nolan Batman movies (morality in society discussions). Also, American Beauty is NOT about just indulging in everything and not caring about anything, it’s about our society and some issues facing the “American family” and what is BEHIND all the indulgence and some of the problems we need to address before we can move forward.
    There is no question that Memento is a movie that makes you think, it kept MY mind racing anyway.
    Personally, I don’t like movies which are disturbing. Wanna know why? Because they are disturbing. I’m pretty sensitive when it comes to that stuff.

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  73. Thank you for this list I seen about 3 on this list but Space odyssey and Waking Life caught my eye and ill be sure to watch one of them tonight :) I’m going to add a extra movie to your list ;). Patton, this movie gets me thinking about the old wars, and how the greek mythology had there hero’s. And general Patton believed he was a man Who fought in many wars and battles through out time basically claiming he was a warrior reincarnated. It got me thinking because he Was the greatest general of his time Maybe still could be till this very day. But his knowledge was unimaginable. But his lust for glory was maddening. But its what could have won the war for him It seemed he lived and breathed war.

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